Radon Measurement Testing
We use electronic instruments that provide immediate results following the minimum required 48 hour test period. This type of instrument monitors environmental conditions such as temperature, barometric pressure and humidity. It also contains a motion detector. These extra features provide data to reveal tampering or simply failed test conditions such as windows being left open etc. This helps assure the most accurate results possible for a short-term test.
Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, according to EPA estimates. Overall, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. About 2,900 of these deaths occur among people who have never smoked. On January 13, 2005, Dr. Richard H. Carmona, the U.S. Surgeon General, issued a national health advisory on radon.
We are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. (Verify our license at: http://radon.web.health.state.mn.us/serviceProviders.faces)
These booklets provide straight forward easy to understand information regarding radon and radon reduction methods:
Radon Mitigation (Reduction)
High Levels of Radon? …. Now what? Do I need to give up on the house of my dreams? BY NO MEANS. As explained in this publication by the EPA, radon mitigation (reduction) is generally a simple process costing between $800 – $2500. (In many cases, the seller is willing to credit the amount in the purchase price.) Please read the attached document to be better informed. Do not give up on your dream home needlessly.
Diagram of a Basic Mitigation System

For Expedited Radon Testing Call
Kathy @ 612-201-9602